Real estate data base Commercial price

Commercial tariffs for real estate agents, real estate dealers, builders and other commercial estate supplier

Test Package for our real estate portal1)

12 months

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1) Only for new customers or customers who had never in the past 6 months any offers.

Property package for commercial providers

from USD 22,41³ plus VAT. per month

Number of objects Price per month
20from USD 22,41**
50from USD 44,10**
80from USD 62,10**
100from USD 71,10**
150from USD 89,10**
250from USD 116,10**

Book your real estate package

ImmoFlex - Consumption-dependently with monthly account

 Amount of that in the price contained objects: no offer
 Contract running time: none, at any time subject to notice
 Cost per object and day: see prices
  Monthly billing. (below 5 €/US$ - per quarter)
  Without consumption no account takes place
  For paper invoices are € / U.S. $ 1.80 calculated
Price excl. Vat/TAX. Prices valid from 01 Jan. 2022

US$ only for North, Central and South America.
*) starting Price per month, incl Tax
**) all prices net, plus TAX.
3) per month, 20's package, 12 months all prices net, plus TAX.
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