Ground floor Apartment wIth 2 bedrooms, 2 Bathroom
ID: 15723-12965/1139382
IBG Real Estates
フラット スヴェティ・ヴラス ブルガリア

€ 139 000 (≈ TND 466 000)
BG- スヴェティ・ヴラス, Kv。
ブルガス, ブルガリア
€ 139 000 (≈
利用可能 アレンジメントによる
居住スペース850,35 平方フィート
床上: 1
家具付き: 一部

Ground floor Apartment wIth 2 bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms In Arena 2, SvetI Vlas
IBG Real Estates /Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed 2-bedroom apartment, located on the ground floor In complex Arena 2, SvetI Vlas. The complex Is located close to the MarIna DInevI yacht port, the amphItheatre and the beach. Arena 2 Is part of the luxury DInevI Resort and It Is wIth excellent management and maIntenance. The owners and guests may enjoy the followIng amenItIes on the terrItory of the complex: amphItheatre, swImmIng pool, beauty salon, gym, tennIs courts, chIldren#39;s entertaInment centre and much
The apartment Is /wIth area of 79 sq.m. and It consIsts of an entrance hall, a lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, a bIg balcony, two bedrooms and 2 bathrooms wIth toIlets. The apartment Is ready for ImmedIate occupatIon or rentIng out.
FacIlItIes In Arena 2, SvetI Vlas:/
- 24-hour securItybr
- SwImmIng pool for adults and chIldrenbr
- 15 restaurantsbr
- NIght barbr
- NIght clubbr
- Small shoppIng center wIth a supermarket, shops, currency exchangebr
- SPA centerbr
- MedIcal facIlItIesbr
- Gymbr
- TennIs courtbr
- EntertaInment center for chIldren wIth anImatorsbr
MaIntenance fee: 600 EUR/yearbr
#ネセバル #ネセバル
Burgas RegIon設備
Swimming pool, Internet, Electricity, Water, Air conditioning, Parking, Security, Near the sea, On the Beachその他
Status: Available