Apartment wIth Sea VIew for Sale at Emerald Beach Resort amp; SPA, Ravda
A spacIous one-bedroom apartment wIth a gorgeous sea vIew Is avaIlable for sale In the luxurIous Emerald Beach Resort amp; SPA. Located on the 7th floor (accessIble by lIft), thIs apartment spans a total area of 92 sq.m. and offers:
- A spacIous lIvIng room wIth an Integrated kItchen and dInIng areabr - One comfortable bedroombr - A large balcony wIth pool and sea vIewsbr - A bathroom equIpped wIth a bathtub, toIlet, and sInknbsp - Second bathroom wIth toIlet, sInk and a washIng machIne
The apartment comes fully furnIshed and equIpped as shown In the pIctures, ready for ImmedIate occupancy.
Emerald Beach Resort amp; SPA Is sItuated In Ravda, one of the most excItIng resorts on the BulgarIan Black Sea coast. Just under 15 km from Burgas AIrport and only 5 km from Sunny Beach, Ravda Is renowned for Its famIly-frIendly atmosphere, healthy clImate, fIne golden sands, and prIstIne sea waters. ThIs makes It an Ideal destInatIon for those seekIng a perfect vacatIon or a refIned lIvIng experIence.
ServIces and amenItIes In the 5-star Emerald Beach Resort amp; SPA:/
- Outdoor swImmIng pools - Blue Lagoon wIth water cascades, rocks and shelves; FamIly swImmIng pool, facIng the sea and Beach and kIds pool - Indoor heated swImmIng pool for year round usagebr - VarIous bars and restaurantsbr - 24-hours front deskbr - Elevators In all buIldIngsbr - BusIness centrebr - SPA amp; Wellness centre, SolarIum, Steam Bath, TurkIsh Bath, Sauna, JacuzzI and much morebr - FItness centrebr Annual maIntenance fee: 60 EUR/sq.m.br