Investment Switzerland: 50 MW photovoltaic roof systems
ID: PMn-CH-D50/1239109
Solar/Photovoltaic Zürich for sale Switzerland | PV-Dachanlage Schweiz

Solar/Photovoltaic for sale
CHF 250 000 (≈ £ 220 000)
CH-8000 Zürich
Kanton Zürich, Switzerland
Contact owner
CHF 250 000 (≈
3 % of the purchase price
Available according to agreement
The portfolio comprises 50 MW of roof-mounted photovoltaic systems ready for construction at various locations in Switzerland. All projects have all the necessary permits, comprehensive implementation plans and complete documentation, meaning that construction can begin immediately. The systems are designed as turnkey solutions and offer flexible contractual terms to allow individual adaptation to the needs of the investor.Position
The locations are spread across various Swiss cantons and thus offer a geographically diversified investment. This regional spread minimizes risks and makes it possible to benefit from different cantonal feed-in tariffs and subsidy conditions.Fittings
The projects offer a complete EPC package (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) as well as optional operation and maintenance services. A special purpose vehicle (SPV) is available as the project sponsor, whereby the investment is realized as a turnkey solution. The plants guarantee stable feed-in tariffs of between CHF 180 and 300/MW
The investment price is CHF 250,000/MWp. 100 % of the investment amount is due upon signing the contract. There is also the option to book further projects under development at the same conditions, which opens up additional growth potential.The state subsidies of approx. CHF 250,000 / MWp are confirmed when the system is commissioned and paid out within two years of operation
as well as state subsidies of approx. CHF 250,000/MW.
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