Amazonas fruit farm for sale - LAk-BR-003
ID: LAk-BR-003/1089167
Agricultural holdings Presidente Figueiredo for sale Brazil | Presidente Figueiredo Acker
Agricultural holdings for sale
€ 495 000 (≈ Au$ 802 000)
BR-69735000 Presidente Figueiredo
Amazonas, Brazil
Contact owner
€ 495 000 (≈
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer
Commission-free for the buyer/tenant
Frei /
Frei /
Available according to agreement
Property479 hectare
479 ha of land are for sale. Of this, 8 ha have been cleared and are intended for arable farming (e.g. macaxera, papaya, pumpkin, watermelon) and a further 8 ha are planted with perennial crops (coconut, cupuacu, bananas, pepper). Workers can live in the farmhouse, which is elevated. A small river flows in the immediate vicinity, which has good water all year round. Due to the deep location of the river, there is no danger of flooding and the water can be directed to the fields by means of an existing pump.
#RegiãoGeográficaIntermediáriadeManaus #RegiãoNorte
The farm is located 20 km south of the city of Presidente Figueiredo and 100 km north of the metropolis of ManausFittings
There is also a chicken coop with feeding and drinking stations for up to 2500 chickens. As the equipment is still available, chicken and egg farming can be restarted at any time. No poultry are currently kept.
Current permanent planting:
» 500 coconut palms (bear in 2 years)
» 500 cupuacu trees (bear fruit in about 2 years)
» 500 pepper plants
» 2800 banana plants
There are also 8 hectares of fields available for planting. The cleared area is currently around 16 hectares or just over 3% of the property. There is a farmhouse, a separate roofed shed with a room for fertilizer and a room for tools. Generator for personal power supply (internet, telephone, TV, light, freezers), water pump that pumps water from the stream to the house and a two-wheeled tractor with trailer.
There is also a pond on the farm, which was used by the previous owner for fish farming and can be restored. The wooded part of the property is overgrown with young trees (20-30 years old), as there used to be a palm oil plantation on the land. However, this was abandoned by the owners a few decades ago. This is why there are still numerous oil palms next to the paths that lead through the forest, reminding us of the history of the land. In addition to agriculture, the following options for using the land can be clarified with the relevant authorities: Raw material mine for building materials such as clay, forestry, fish farming and mineral resources.
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